The Book

Among the best sellers in its category on Amazon since its launch in September 2016 by DVS Publisher, the book Learning Design using Canvas: Trahentem assists Instructional Designers and Specialists worldwide in the creation of the most diverse training and Learning Solutions.

The book presents in a simple and practical way a guide for the Design and Development of efficient training that is aligned with the strategic objectives of the organization. It is not necessary to be an expert to benefit from reading the Trahentem methodology and start using the method.

The Author

Flora Alves is the author of the best-seller Gamification, she is an Instructional Designer and a Master Trainer certified by the American Association for Talent Development (ATD) and devotes her career to researching new methods of Learning.

Founding partner of SG Aprendizagem Corporativa Desenhada sob Medida, she develops engaging and complete learning solutions that favor the transfer of learning to practice.

The Method

The Trahentem methodology for Learning Design using Canvas is a tool that uses three Canvas models, which were designed to facilitate the process of diagnosis, the selection of knowledge and content, and the Design of Solutions focused on how people learn and how they perform. In this way, the method meets the needs of Instructional Designers by combining speed, creativity, and optimization of results for the creation of complete learning solutions.

ID-Empathy Canvas

A Human-centered Diagnosis tool focused on the participants, their expected performance and how the performance affects the organizational goal. This Canvas helps the Instructiona Design to decide if a learning solution can eliminate an existing competency GAP.

ID-Tasks Canvas

This Canvas works as a filter of knowledge and content avoiding information overload. By using this Canvas the Instructional Designer will work with the contentent that is directly related to the learning objective.


ased on the ROPES Model, this Canvas guides and accelerate the process of building training modules based on how people learn and perform. This approach facilitates the process of selecting leaning strategies that better fits each type of knowledge leading to the creation of a complete learning experience.

The Tool

In a visual and innovative way, this tool, which is based on the principles of Design Thinking, allows the professional to have a roadmap to guide their choices in a didactic way, guaranteeing a solution focused on the learner. Moreover, as it is easy to use, it makes the instructional designer speed up the construction of training and work in a practical way without losing assertiveness.

It is composed of 3 canvases that guide the process of diagnosis, selection of contents and construction of modules, with the use of Posters and post-its so it is possible to guarantee that in a simple and intuitive way the Designer does everything that is necessary to guarantee the learning and the transfer to practice.

Other advantages of the tool are the ability to design in a collaborative way, and the availability of the digital version with the same functionality, allowing you to choose the format according to your preference.

The digital version also permits sharing, printing and exporting the Instructional Design (ID) document, speeding up and standardizing the documentation of learning solutions.


Space reserved for downloads!

In the digital version of the tool, you can download printable Canvases for free. You can print the Canvas in poster format in the size you want. On page 88 of the book, the author talks about her preferences and presents a table with print specifications.


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